How Art Heals: Mind- Body Physiology How does art heal? Scientific studies tell us that art heals by changing a person’s physiology and attitude. The body’s physiology changes from one of stress to one of deep...
Circadian Lighting Strategies Excerpts from an article by Ed Clark and Marty Brennan, originally published in Healthcare Design Magazine March 2017 4 KEYS TO INTEGRATING CIRCADIAN LIGHTING STRATEGIES 1 . UNDERSTAND PEOPLE Consider your building occupants’...
Please enjoy our latest Photo Caption. For a pdf version click here Photo Caption 6- 17
Please enjoy our latest Photo Captions… For a pdf version click here: Photo Caption 4- 17
For a pdf version click here Photo Caption 2-...
The Importance of the Arts in Our Communities The following excerpts are from an article originally published by on 10/27/15 The arts have a long history of bringing people together across boundaries — increasing understandings across disparate...
The Camera Specs That Matter Monte is often asked, “What camera should I buy?” So, as a twist on our usual Photos For Healing Newsletter, we are sharing this great article below that explains what matters when choosing a camera to help you capture your best image....
Please enjoy Monte’s latest Photo Captions!
Please enjoy Monte’s latest Photo Captions.
The Mental Health Benefits of Art Are for Everyone The following are excerpts from an article originally published by & written by Deane Alban We are all born with an innate desire to express ourselves and art encompasses a wider range of activities...
The Importance of Art in Child Development Written by Grace Hwang Lynch originally published on In recent years, school curricula in the United States have shifted heavily toward common core subjects of reading and math, but what about the arts? Although some...
Why You Need More Art in Your Life (and 5 Ways to Get It) The following is comprised of excerpts from an article that was originally written and published by Michael Hyatt/ Virtual Mentor at on 9/22/14. If you want to find more creativity,...
Why We All Need Art in Our Lives First published by Lesli Walsh on 4/11/13 on Art in some form or another has existed as long as man. It is a part of our daily lives and is present in cultures across the world. Most people have an appreciation for...
The Importance of Art in Our Everyday Lives Originally published on 8/18/2009 by yloyana project Most people don`t realize just how much we rely on art and all forms of it, in our everyday lives. While you might not be aware of it, we are surrounded by it and use it...
WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS Celebrated images by Ansel Adams, Andre Kertesz and Edward Stieglitz cover the walls of Monte and Mickey Nagler’s Farmington Hills home. While many of the more than 80 iconic photographs are museum worthy, the images that mean the most to...
Original Article by David Norris, published December 12, 2011; The word ‘Art’ is most commonly associated with pieces of work in a gallery or museum, whether it’s a painting from the Renaissance or a modern sculpture. However, there is so much more...