What Do Your Walls Say About You?
While sometimes seen as an afterthought by others, artwork and accessories throughout a client’s space can help improve the quality of life and experience for its users.
As leading healthcare designers continue to mix design elements from both the hospitality and healthcare industries, there is more pressure to create an appealing environment that separates a healthcare facility from its competitors. When selecting a product, think of it as a marketing or branding tool. How will it visually enhance the space? How will it affect visitors’ first impressions of the facility? Will this design element help your facility stand out from the competition?
Patients have high expectations for their overall healthcare experience, and it’s becoming more common for patients to shop around for the right health facility before undergoing a medical procedure. For this reason, visual impressions are more important than ever.
Facility managers should work with designers to find artwork that creates something unexpected and visually pleasing. Transforming a raw space into its truest potential. Artwork can be used to accent walls and common areas and can help your facility stand out and appeal to a wider audience.
Photos for healing Newsletter #105-Jul.-15